Friday, September 20, 2013

The Water Element

Did you know that our bodies are made up of 70 percent water? And decreasing water intake by only 1-3 percent can move us toward dehydration?

Have you ever felt tired, cloudy thinking, headaches, low energy? Most people have. But, how many people will think of drinking more water for a baseline of health? Certainly, see your doctor if you suspect something more wrong. But also consider the simplicity of water. Start each day by drinking two cups of cold water in the morning on an empty stomach, and you could have these amazing benefits:

1. Balance your lymph system. Your lymph system balances your body fluids, operates daily functions, and fights infection.

2. Glowing skin. Water flushes away toxins from the blood which keeps skin healthy and clear.

3. Weight loss. Drink 16 ounces of cold water in the morning to boost your metabolism by 24 percent.

4. Increase the production of new blood and muscle cells.

5. Cleanse the colon. Drink water on an empty stomach to purify and absorb nutrients easier.

Wow. With all of that goodness, who could resist? Such a simple solution to drink two cups of cold water in the morning for so much!

Here's the kicker. Do you have trouble remembering to drink water in the morning? Me too. So, try this idea: Post a picture of water, or print out the water poster on this page, and put it next to your water faucet, on your nightstand, or above your bed. Make it the first thing you see when you wake up for the next 30 days to get a good habit started. Remind yourself of the importance of the first thing you put into your mouth in the morning.

drinkiing water

Thanks to for a great poster and timely information. Drinking enough clean water is an inexpensive, critical piece of the puzzle to stay healthy.

For more timely, inexpensive ideas to get healthy on a budget, see Great ideas on a shoe string!

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